The Battle For Middle Earth
Hey all - well whoever's reading this
Am back after a - well sabbatical size hiatus! Somethings just popped up in my head about the ongoing "global crisis" involving Iran!
This actually hit me because of this book written by Samuel P. Huntington - The Clash Of The Civilizations And The Remaking Of The World Order. A very interesting book and a good read for all politics enthusiasts. He mentions that while most civilzations have a center of power that people. nations of that civilization and religion look upto, Islam never really had one - not after the Persians fell. There was always this tussle between Turkey (descedants of the might Ottoman empire), Iraq (mesopotamian - far too old but it has the oil), Iran (Persian empire), Saudi Arabia (not an empire but its the oil) and Pakistan. Because of this indecisiveness, the upholder of the civilization would inevitably look west to buy power. Iraq, I would say achieved the highest of them all. Pakistan, after going nuclear, would become a likely leader but it being at the periphery of the Muslim world(geographically) the influence is quite reduced. Thus, the one nation, after Iraq's fall in 1990, which can call itself to be a leader and thus, claim stake to being the upholder of the faith is Iran.
Some other geo-politic facts we need to understand is that US was successful in breaking up Russia. Russia was crippled - and more than that, humiliated. A power which sent shivers down evey american was brought to its knees. Sometime soon they had to avenge it and Putin - its just my liking/respect for that guy that I say so - has just that plan. Russia is getting back to business - it features in the top 10 economies and building fast, has some of the largest oil and uranium reserves and a military might that no one can challenge. The recent spate of the West (read US and blah) trying to introduce 'democracy' in the peripheral Soviet states - starting with Yugoslavia in '90, to Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyztan (not much info on this). But these states are too far for the West to have significant control on them and it was pretty much inevitable with time, that Russia would be the country to look up to. So it did happen, Russia agreed to provide security cover to its old allies from the Soviet age.
I wouldn't really care to speak of China here - they are quite a ruthless bunch and the way they are headed, there is absolutely no way they can be kept out of any geo-political equation. Also, Russia China have started talking sweet to each other, we'll probably be seeing more of them together if the future.
Long one that. What's happening with Iran? As I mentioned in my previous post, US cannot afford to attack Iran - it would be way too costly. While Iran wouldn't be able to touch the US directly, it can
- shoot its way into Israel - prompting synch attacks by Hamas, Hezbollah and others
- throw some missiles Europe's way
- hit the soldiers at Western bases in Iraq
- hit oil supplies which are all shipped through strait of Hormuz
This is what Iran could do. In effect, an attack could bring out major turmoil in the middle east which the US is already seen losing it's grip on. Furthermore, these consequences being so evident, none of the Europan states are ready for confrontation because, as mentioned above, it could bring them into the firing line. More importantly, the american economy cannot sustain another war (or battle whatever you may call it). It would straddle the resources too far out and for other reasons which I do not entirely comprehend due to their complexity.
The only option open to them is move for economic sanctions, which will be thwarted to a large extent by Russia and China.
Now, all this may sound very cliched and somewhat like harping over the same thing. But my idea was not to educate you on the Iran issue, but something that Samuel had mentioned in his book. The remaking of the world order is underway, and I feel this confrontation with Iran as the focus is going to be the turning point for the move in power from the West to the East.
Some more signals to this:
-Acknowledgement of Palestine by Russia. They always received aid from the West, but now its Iran and Russia.
-Winning back of Ukraine, Georgia and other peripheral states of strategic(honour) importance from the influences of western Europe.
As always, the Middle East will remain a dependent cranky child - but with a new mother.
disclaimer: I am not a political analyst. It is just my hobby to keep hooked up on global happenings. Most of the information provided above is factual and is not a propaganda against/for anyone!
Well I guess all this Clash of Civilization is just a hyped concept. If you go into the history Islam and West have always had conflicts. Andulisia (Spain 10th century), Constantinopole, 10th-14th Century Crusades Jeruslam (Muslims really ruled Middle East area around this time) and now I guess after the rise of Isreal.
And in between clonisation from Europe
And while reading history I found out somewhere this information,
" In the sixteenth century three Muslim empires are at or close to the pinnacle of their power and brilliance: the Ottomans under Suleiman the Magnificent, Safavid Persia under Shah Abbas the Great, and Mogul India under Akbar the Great"
It says all three were muslims ? I dont know exactly what happend but I guess they all (ottomans, persian, moguls) adopted the rich Islamic religion (well just a guess based on facts). So wasnt it Islam rulling all over, Around this time ?
And the present conflicts is more of a media hyped (all controlled by America), created out of nowhere, suddenly half of the world is doing gaga over Islam and other half is infatuated.
The present trouble of Islamic countries are Oil and lack of democratic governments in the past, they are almost always led by dictators.
I wonder isnt the world order bound to change. The people who are not leader will keep on pushing themself to become one like India,China and Russia doing in current scenario. The leaders will either become complacent like Europe and bound to be doomed (like what happend to india during Mughal Invasion, well we were not leaders but very complacent coz of the great history we had) or continue to try their best to remain at the top like what America is trying to do. Whenever they want they try to topple any government and they have done that quit succesfully so far in smaller countries in Africa and Asia.
Frankly media is playing a big role in current world conflicts.
And as Jim Morrison once said --
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
Viral...keep posting more often man. Its fun to read all this.
Ok...back to viral bashing mode! :P
tanuj - i would seriously recommend you reading the book I have mentioned there because whatever you have spoken there comes from a very general view held by most today and does not hold many data points.
If you are to talk of history - Christians and Muslims have not always been at war because they were Christians and Muslims. It happens for one simple fact - My culture/religion is better than yours. People fight when their morals and values do not match with others they meet. This triggers off the war for superiority of culture.
Like it or not, this is how it works. This is why West boasts of its liberal approach, human rights, democracy, etc. We would probably not have points from other civilizations because most of modern history has been dominated by the West, but Japan boasts of its culture - which mind you they get mighty pissed off when compared with Chinese.
You need to understand that beneath this friction what you see lie some unseen and quite detestable facts.
In fact, US depends a lot on Capitalism and the fact Europe is a part of the West is because US needs it to counter the other cultures.
This thing is quite deep so i suggest you read the book and it will give you some very amazing insights. Please dont ramble around - oh US this and US that. Us is acting on what US needs.
Coming to media - it is just another tool in the dirty act and Jim Morrison died of an overdose of drugs. There are better people alive for good advice.
I dont really know when book was written and what was the global political scene then, and author belongs to which country. But in the current context to say "Us is acting on what US needs" would be to ignore facts itself.
US talks/atempts of democracy, liberty seems to me a big dissapointment like of France.
Their own internal trouble are there since ages on complete democracy/liberty/equality to every citizen.
In Afghanistan also Abdul Rehman was given death sentance for changin his religion to Christianity from Islam from a government formed and backed by much liberal US, still I guess I should appreciate US in defeating Taliban government.And after some protest he was declared mentaly unfit and was sent to an asylam in Italy.
Well what happens in American war prisons, to war prisoners in nothing new, an doesnt give a great example of there liberty and human rights approach. Cops having sex in front of the worshiping prisoners, Islamic prisoners forced to face America instead of Mecca for prayer, elcetroculation etc etc etc are the common example that we see on the TV, god knows what all happens over there.
To get a good picture of what happens in Iraq I would recommend you to read "", which gives a good insight of war in Iraq, specially role of media, human rights, democracy and all the big words that USA campaign for.
Media is not always dirty may be, but we tends to stay to dirty media. We keep critisizing AajTak, star plus, CNN still we keep watching instead of watching more profession news channels. We keep critisizing TOI, HT still we stick to them instead of shifting to more professional news papers like Hindu and India Express(in India).
I believe US again need some more Jim Morrisons and Bob Dylans like in 70s during vietnam war, to tell them ok we are a peace loving country, we believ in equality, human rights and real democracy.
"And all we wre saying is give peace a chance"
-- John Lennon
Thank you for the comment! :)
hey blogger ,
am leaving this comment on your blog since i dont have one formyself:)
generally about things in life ... about everything!
i feel so much and i have nothing to write or nothing to say !
strange .... aint it !!!
yeah! i live a good life .... since i know whts good and bad
but good life s so strangling
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